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This is a nonsensical question. Your weight is determined by your height, body type, body fat percentage, muscle composition, how many children you're bearing, how healthy those children are, how much food you just ate, how much clothing you're wearing, etc.

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Q: What measurement should your stomach be at 7 months pregnant?
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You are 4 months pregnant and havent gained any weight nor has your stomach grown or gotten hard should you be worried?


Should be two months that i have been having cramping feelings in my stomach ive had my period can i be pregnant?

You might very well be pregnant. My godmother had her period for all nine months that she was pregnant and didnt even know she was pregnant until delivery. She just thought she was getting fat from being at home all the time and not working. What a pleasant surprise she got when she got sick with stomach pains and they told her at the hospital she was about to give birth. :)

Should your stomach hurt after you poop if your pregnant?

This is not a symptom of pregnancy.

Should i have Pain above the belly button during pregnancy i am about 5 months pregnant. is this normal?

That could most likely just be the stretching of your stomach and you aren't used to the feel of that

I am around 5 months pregnant I don't get morning sickness or get sick afternoons its always hitting me when I am sleeping What should I do that can calm my stomach and not hurt my baby?

drink alot of milk!

What should you be feeling if you are three months pregnant?

pragnancy removed

You get a burning pain in your stomach when you turn a certain way and you are four months pregnant Is that normal?

you should see your doctor ASAP, I dont want to scare you, it could be nothing, but it could also be something serious.

Will HTP show negative when you are three months pregnant?

An HTP should still be positive at 3 months

You are pregnant with his baby how long should you wait to call him?

Nine months.

I have 2 dalmatian mollies that have been visibly pregnant for a long time - one of them at least four months why won't they have their babies this time?

Mollies on average should only be pregnant for 28 days. Your fish may be overweight or have some other ailment which is causing a bloated stomach.

How can I determine whether a Jack Russell is pregnant?

You should be able to notice her stomach and nipples enlarging.

Is it safe for you to have your puppy in your stomach while pregnant?

Huh?! No, you should strictly avoid eating puppies.