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Richter scale, Modified Mercalli scale, Centigrade scale, and the Moment Magnitude scale

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Adrian Piad

Lvl 2
3y ago
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Thandekile Hope Skos...

Lvl 2
1y ago

Mercalli scale

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Q: What measures an earthquake's intensity based on the observed effects on people and structures?
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Related questions

Why is it easier to assign mercalli intensity to historic earthquakes than it is to give them a Richter-type magnitude?

Mercalli intensity is based off of observed damage to earth's structures. Richter magnitude uses calculations during the actual time of the earthquake.

Is the modified mercalli scale still used today?

Yes, the Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) scale is still used today to measure the intensity of earthquakes based on observed effects on people, buildings, and the environment. It provides a valuable complement to seismic magnitude scales in assessing the impact of earthquakes on society.

How do earthquakes observed?

with a seismograph

Are earthquakes magnetic?

Not that we have observed. Earthquakes are almost entirely a mechanical process.

How are the eyes examined during an annual physical?

The external structures are observed. The internal structures can be observed using an ophthalmoscope (a lighted instrument) in a darkened room.

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What are the main structures you could have observed when you removed the exoskeleton of the abdomen of a crayfish?

The large feathery structures are the gills.

Why must safety measures be observed in the laboratory?

To prevent mishaps.

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What processes can be observed at the margins of lithospheric plates?

faulting, earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain building.

How did you discover that the outer core was liquid?

It was observed that p (pressure) waves from earthquakes passed through the core bus s (sheer) waves from earthquakes did not.

What are measures are observed?

Usually, when observations and measurements are aggregated, these are called DATA.