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Q: What mechanical waves like sound water waves earthquake waves and waves in a stretched string propagate?
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Can sound pass through a string?

Sound can "propagate" along a string, i.e. travel along the string from one end to the other.

When a stretched string is released the potential energy in the string is converted?

kinetic energy

When a stretched string is released the potential energy in the string is converted to?

kinetic energy

When a stretched string is released the potential energy in the string is converted to .?

Kinetic energy and then to heat.

Why shouldn't string stretch?

a line is a set of infinite points. a stretched string is finite.

When a stretched string is released the potential energy in the string is convrted?

Into movement, i.e., kinetic energy.

Is the classification for an instrument that produces sound by vibrating a string or string stretched between two points?


What is a kind off wave produced in stretched string?

the wave produced in a stretched string will be a standing wave .it will have a node and antinode.node means point with zero displacement and antinode means point with maximum displacement

Law of vibrating strings?

The law of vibrating strings is the vibrational mode of a string that is stretched. The wavelength is twice the length of the string.

Is it possible to have a longitudinal wave in stretched string?

yes, Its possible to have a longitudinal wave on a stretched string by stroking it along its length by a rosined cloth. However, in the wave motion of a stretched string ( tant string with fixed ends) wave (disturbance) produced at one fixed end travels along the length of the string and get reflected back at the other end. Since the original wave and the reflected wave have the same frequency and amplitude, they superimpose to produce stationary transverse disturbance.

Why The tension in any part of the string is equal to the force that pulls the string at the ends?

unless the string is broken up,the force of pulling will be applied along the continuous part of the string when the string is in full stretched condition.

Is the classification for an instrument that produces sound when a string of strings stretched between?

Your answer will be "Chordophone".