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Some adults can experience bed wetting episodes. These can be caused by constipation as the bowels can put pressure on the bladder. Sleep apnea is also associated with some bed wetting episodes.

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Q: What medical rationale would explain an adult having episodes of bed wetting?
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Naphthalene or moth balls sublimate(change from a solid to a gas) so they can "disappear" without wetting the clothes.

Where could a person get tips on wetting the bed prevention?

There are several medical and parenting websites that have tips on preventing bed wetting. Some of these sites include WebMD, Super Nanny, and Babble.

Is bed wetting babyish?

No. Bed wetting (enuresis) is a sleep disorder and can be caused by several medical conditions (such as low ADH hormone) and by certain mental conditions including anxiety, and can occur well into one's teens.

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You can't get BV from wetting the bed.

Where can one find bed wetting products?

Your family Doctor or medical provider is always the best place to start when looking for your medical needs however there are many places to obtain over the counter products that will help. Walgreen's, Wal-mart, and many grocery stores and pharmacies also carry products centered around bed wetting issues.

How would you stop a child of nine years from bedweting?

The parent needs to take the child to a doctor in order to determine if there is a medical cause for the bed wetting. If there is no medical cause, the child should then be taken to a psycho therapist for evaluation. No child should be punished for bed wetting, as the child has no control over it. With proper evaluation, the child could be helped and on his/her way to recovery.

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Bed wetting at night for whatever type of.reason

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No, water is not at all a wetting agent as far as paints are concerned.

Wetting down of food in the mouth is part of digestion?

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Your toddler is not wetting her diaper?

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