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Methadone or Suboxene

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Q: What medications are used to detox black tar heroine addict?
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Where can you get the dihydrocodeine treatment for heroin addiction?

There are rehabilitation center that uses a dihydrocodeine treatment for herion addiction. Choosing an executive drug rehab will let you choose the most customized treatment program for a more comfortable rehabilitation process.

How can you detox yourself from heroine?

Taper down, little bit each day - but if that doesn't work, taper down like, once every 2-4 days (depending on your system, and how long you've did heroine). Other than that, you really can't detox, unless you take Suboxone (or Subutex; which is buprenorphine), or methadone (MMT-methadone maintence treatment). GOOD LUCK!

How would heroin users go about getin help?

A heroin addict can go to the local hospital and detox there. From a detox center, it is highly recommended to continue with residential treatment, then step down to a halfway house and continue with NA or AA meetings.

Is there a 7 day body cleanse detox?

There are a number of different detox methods you can use. Consult your doctor before you begin any to make sure they will not affect any of your medications you may already be on.

Detox Treatment?

Detox, or detoxification, is a process that removes drugs and alcohol from an addict’s body. Most people are able to get through this process in about a week or so. This depends on the drugs you take, how often you take them and the quantity you take them in. If you have another addiction or an underlying mental health problem, this may require you to need more time in detox as well.

What can you take to get methadone out of your system?

You should detox from methadone in a medical detox facility. Methadone detox is the worst of all the opiates -- much worse than heroin -- lasts about twice to three times as long, and can be fatal in some cases. Suboxone is often used clinically for methadone detox, along with supporting medications as needed.

Can drug overdose cause a swollen tongue?

Hi, My nephew is aheroine snorter and he was starting to detox and was rushed to E. R. with a swollen tongue they are saying he got a bad batch of heroine. Is this the case

Detox Treatment Center?

The detox treatment center is a facility that enables substance users to start the recovery process as safely and comfortably as possible. The medical staff personalizes treatment according to the addict’s needs, trying to identify the best therapies and practices that might generate a positive response on their part.

How could you best help someone with an addiction?

If you're looking to skip rehab centers, then go see a doctor that can perscripe medication. Like opiates. You can skip rehab/detox centers and see a licensed physician that can write a script for suboxone. No lost work time, no huge embarrassment from others. If you know of a medication that will help an addiction then you can go to the manufacturers website and they should list all the doctors in your local area that can help. Call all of them till someone can take you for an appointment and get the help needed without a weeks worth of detox and lost wages. The addict has to want to quit though. Forcing and addict to quit unwillingly will only lead to more lies and abandonment. If you really need to force an addict to quit then a detox rehab is necessary

Is it safe to detox from hydrocodone and start oxycodone?

if your detox process does not include any medications such as methadone or suboxone or another opiate you should be safe, although I don't necessarily see the point in detoxing from one opiate, only to start using another.

How long for heroine?

It could take a few weeks to kick your habit. But if you have help like suboxone the first couple days are brutal but you will live, suboxone makes the detox process easier to deal with. Contact a local doctor that can set you up with a suboxone program, doing detox without any help is very hard to do and pretty painful.

Is there a free detox program in or near huntington beach, CA .....For a recovering heroin addict.?

Call Cri-help, they're located in l.a. You can also try brotman hospital in la. I'm sorry I was unable to locate a free detox program in Huntington Beach. There are a number of paid ones, however, including the Pat Moore Foundation.