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Q: What medications can you not take with Triphala?
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Do you take Triphala before or after food?

You have Triphala after eating food.

Can you take triphala with fiber?


Did you take Triphala before or after food?


How long does it take triphala to work?

4 to 6 months. i have diverticulosis, turned in diverticulisis, was in bad shape, took triphala ( zandu brand) since last 5 months, feeling much better. thanks triphala.

How do you take Triphala powder do you have to soak it in water first?

Triphala powder is made from a combination of Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis), black myrobalan (Terminalia chebula), and belleric myrobalan (Terminalia belerica). The word Triphala also means ‘Three Fruits’ and is said to support your three doshas - Vata, Pitta and Kapha. We have been using Triphala powder in our family for years and it has helped treat various ailments like cleansing the digestive system and also improving immunity. As per expert recommendation a spoon of Triphala powder for a week can help strengthen your immune system. You can also mix jojoba or coconut oil with Triphala powder to help with skin and hair ailments. My family and I use Organic Tattva’s Triphala powder and would recommend the same to everyone. *It is best to consume Triphala powder in quantities suggested on the packaging or advised by a health expert.

When is the best time to take Triphala?

The best time is in the morning but the concoction should be prepared in the evening by boiling Triphala and reducing its water content by 50%. Add warm water in the already prepared concoction and drink it.

What triphala powder is called in Hindi?

Triphala is a Hindi word, means three PHALS. Dhananjay Anand from New Mumbai

What medication can be taken with triphala?

medication such as sertraline

Why triphala cannot be a natural immunizer as a food supplement?

who says ? the contents of triphala are taken solely or in combination according to your need without any harm.

What are the side effects of using triphala?

Using Triphala has a few potential side effects. Some of the most notable side effects include diarrhea, dehydration, difficulty sleeping, headaches and nausea.

How is triphala used?

Triphala is taken as a general health tonic, useful for all body types and a variety of conditions. It is commonly prescribed to tone and strengthen the digestive system, particularly in cases of weak digestion and constipation.

Why do coronary stent patients have to take medications?

Taking medications as prescribed. Aspirin and other heart medications may be prescribed, and the patient may need to take these medications for life.