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You shouldn't give aspirin to a child with chickenpox, as it can increase the risk of Reye's syndrome.

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Q: What medicine shouldn't be given to children with chickenpox?
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Related questions

What vaccines for chickenpox are recommended for children between birth and 2 months?

Chickenpox vaccine is not given to children under 12 months old.

What should Aspirin not be given for?

Aspirin even children's aspirin-should never be given to children or teenagers with flu-like symptoms or chickenpox

Is there a preventive drug for chickenpox?

Chickenpox vaccine can be given up to five days after exposure to prevent chickenpox.

How is chickenpox vaccine given?

Chickenpox vaccine is subcutaneous; it's given with a smaller needle than most vaccines.

Do you give aspirin to children with chickenpox?

You should seek medical attention right away if you have given your child Aspirin when they have chicken pox. When Aspirin is given to a child with chicken pox, it can cause them to get a condition called Reyes syndrome.

Who cured chickenpox?

There is no vaccine to cure chickenpox. Chickenpox vaccine is used to prevent chickenpox, and can be used up to five days after exposure to the illness. Some severely infected patients might get IVIG to help cure chickenpox, but this is not considered a vaccine.

Should a child get a second chickenpox vaccine if he developed shingles a few years after the initial vaccine for chickenpox was given?

Current recommendations are for two doses of chickenpox vaccine, regardless of the history of chickenpox or shingles.

What is varicella titer?

a blood test to determine if you have immnuity to varicella (chicken pox).

Why should children avoid aspirin when they have chickenpox?

Aspirin should not be given to children at all, except on the advice of your health care provider, due to the possibility of developing Reye's syndrome, a rare but deadly illness that can affect the liver and brain. This is most likely to happen in conjunction with or immediately after a viral infection, such as a cold, flu, chickenpox and so forth. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen should be given instead for control of fever and discomfort.

When was chickenpox vaccine first used in California?

Chickenpox vaccine was first used in California in 1995.

Where do they insert the needle for chickenpox vaccine?

Chickenpox vaccination is typically given in the deltoid or vastus lateralis. The choice usually depends on the age of the patient.

What immunizations are given to children in grade 6 that are living in British Columbia Canada?

The immunizations given to children in the 6th grade living in British Columbia, Canada include hepatitis B, meningococcal C, and chickenpox. For female students the HPV or human papillomavirus vaccine is also administered.