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Aspirin should not be given to children at all, except on the advice of your health care provider, due to the possibility of developing Reye's syndrome, a rare but deadly illness that can affect the liver and brain. This is most likely to happen in conjunction with or immediately after a viral infection, such as a cold, flu, chickenpox and so forth. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen should be given instead for control of fever and discomfort.

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Q: Why should children avoid aspirin when they have chickenpox?
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Can you take acetaminophen if you have chickenpox?

All children with chickenpox should avoid aspirin. If a child can safely take acetaminophen, s/he can do so when s/he has chickenpox.

Do you give aspirin to children with chickenpox?

You should seek medical attention right away if you have given your child Aspirin when they have chicken pox. When Aspirin is given to a child with chicken pox, it can cause them to get a condition called Reyes syndrome.

Is it safe to use tenston for a 1 year old with chickenpox?

No! Tenston contains aspirin. Children with chickenpox should avoid aspirin to prevent Reyes syndrome. Use acetaminophen/paracetamol only!

Are there certain medications that someone with chickenpox should stay away from such as Benadryl?

A child with chickenpox should avoid aspirin.

Is a 78 year old person at risk mixing with someone with chickenpox?

If the older adult has had chickenpox or the vaccine, there is no additional risk from exposure to chickenpox. If not, the person should avoid contact with the chickenpox patient.

How long should a patient on chemo avoid someone who had chickenpox vaccine?

Normally, a patient on chemo doesn't need to avoid someone who had chickenpox vaccine. Talk with your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

When can you work after having chickenpox?

You are no longer contagious once all chickenpox lesions have scabbed over. Prior to this, you should remain at home to avoid infecting others.

Why should the nurse avoid administering aspirin when white blood cell count is depressed?

Because Aspirin thins your blood.

What can pregnant women do to avoid rubella or chickenpox?

All non-immune women of childbearing age should be vaccinated against rubella and chickenpox before pregnancy. Pregnant women should be tested for immunity to rubella at their first prenatal visit.

Should your child avoid aspirin if He has a low platelet count?

depending on the age if so ask a doctor

Can you avoid chickenpox?

you can prevent it by getting vaccinated. ask your doctor about it.

Is it safe to give a 3 year old children's aspirin?

There are elixirs and tablet forumlations of Children's Aspirin which, as the name implies, are specially formulated for children. With aspirin, it's a good idea to check with your doctor before using it. If you can't do that, at least be sure to read the label and follow the recommended dosage.