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Treasury Secretary Salmon Chase never stopped his attempts to gain control of the Lincoln administration. He was a founding leader of the Republican Party and he was an ardent antislavery politician. He was the voice of the Radical Republicans. He and the radicals believed Lincoln was a weak leader and planned to replace him in the 1864 presidential elections.

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Q: What member of President Lincoln's cabinet was the most radical?
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What are the Requirements to be a cabinet member?

In the United States, prospective administration cabinet members are first selected and nominated by the president. They must be confirmed by the senate before becoming a member of the president's cabinet.

Cabinet member are appointed by who?

the president

What might happen if the president's cabinet member is not approved by congress?

If a President's cabinet member is not approved by Congress, they cannot assume the position or carry out their responsibilities. The President may choose to nominate someone else for the role or continue with an acting cabinet member. This scenario could potentially hinder the President's ability to effectively govern and implement their policies, as the cabinet member's expertise and leadership would be lacking.

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Cabinet members are appointed by the President; with Senate approval.

Can a president fire appointees after they have been confirmed by the senate?

The Senate has the power to approve or consent to the appointment of an individual a president nominates to be a member of the Cabinet. However, it has no authority to fire that individual once confirmed. Only the President can fire a Cabinet member. While Congress has no power to fire a Cabinet member, Congress it does have the power of the impeachment process to remove, not fire, the Cabinet member. Grounds for impeachment and removal of a Cabinet member are the same as those for impeachment and removal of the President.

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No, Samuel Tilden was not a member of President Grant's cabinet. Tilden was a prominent Democrat and the 1876 presidential nominee of the Democratic Party, while Grant served as a Republican president from 1869 to 1877.

What does the executive cabinet do at the state level?

One of the principal purposes of the Cabinet (drawn from Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution) is to advise the President on any subject he/she may require relating to the duties of their respective offices.

How can a person become a cabinet?

Cabinet member must be chosen by the president and approved by the Senate. Most cabinet members helped support the president.?æ

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ask them to resign.

Is the Secretary of Treasury a member of the President's Cabinet?

Yes. All the Secretary of ________ are part of the Cabinet.