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arachnoid membrane

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Q: What membrane surrounding the brain resembles a spiderweb?
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What is the middle layer of the meninges surrounding the brain and spinal cord?

arachnoid membrane

The phospholipid bilayer that surrounds all cells?

The cell surrounding bi-lipid layer is called the cell membrane. Phospholipids - peanut butter - are associated with brain-cell membrane function.

In your body what resembles a walnut?

the brain

Is a cell membrane is a brain?

yes, the cell membrane acts as the brain for the cell

Thin innermost membrane attached to surface of the spinal cord?

The thin like membrane that covers the brain is "Dura Matter", and the thin like protection surrounding the spinal cord is a "mylein Sheath".

What is known as the lesser brain?

The cerebellum, also referred to as the smaller brain because it resembles the shape

What is the thing that separates the brain from the scull?

The brain is inside a bag of tissue (membrane) called the duramater, this membrane holds liquid (cephaloraquidean liquid), the brain is "floating" in this liquid, and the membrane surrounds the brain and the liquid separaing both from the skull.

What is meant by membrane is membrane in cell function?

membrane, is a type of brain that function to think what to do.

What is a tympanum membrane?

in your brain i think

What is the largest region of the brain?

the largest region of the brain if the pooluntush membrane

What is ventral subarachnoid?

It is the area between the pia matter and the arachnoid membrane of the brain. The pia matter is part of the membrane that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. The arachnoid membrane is the inner layer of three layers that surround the brain and spinal cord.

How is the brain protect?

by the skull and fluid surrounding the brain hope it helped XD