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Q: What membranes line the nasal passage?
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What membrane is in the oral and nasal cavities?

There are Mucosa Membranes that line both the oral and nasal cavities. Mucous makes up these membranes.

Where on your body is the 'nasal passage'?

Your nostrils are your nasal passage

What is the role of the mouth and nasal passage?

The roll of a nasal passage and mouth is so you can breath in air.

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You should'nt

Where on my body is my nasal passage?

Nasal-refers to nose on face.

What is a nasal passage?

your nose

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Where on the body is the nasal passage?


What is nasal passage?

It is part of your nose. There.

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Rhinitis is inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes.

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Where in the body is the nasal passage?

The Nose. XD