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Q: What memory tool places disconnected information into units that are easier to remember?
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A mnemonic device is a poem rhyme anagram or other item designed to help a person remember something specific.?

A mnemonic device is a memory aid that helps people retain information by associating it with an easier-to-remember format. These devices can take the form of acronyms, rhymes, songs, or imagery, making it easier to recall information when needed.

What is a memory strategy tool that helps people remember complex information in an easy to remember format?

One memory strategy tool is the method of loci, where one associates each piece of complex information with a specific location or place in a familiar environment. Another helpful tool is creating mnemonic devices, such as acronyms or rhymes, to aid in recalling information more easily. Both methods can improve memory retention by providing a structure or pattern for the information to be stored in the brain.

Why does music association work as a memory strategy?

It's easier to remember rhymes than non-rhymes.

Why are rhymes helpful?

Rhymes can help with memory and recall, making information easier to remember. They can also make language learning more engaging and fun by creating patterns and connections between words. Additionally, rhymes can enhance creativity and improve one's ability to think critically about language.

What is a retrieval cue?

Information from the long-term memory is easier to accesss with retrieval cue

What is the difference between iedetic memory and photographic memory?

A photographic memory means that you can remember words and images that you see (hense photographic) Where as an Eidetic memory means that you can remember everything, no matter how you obtain the information, it does not just have to be obtained via sight.

The personalization memory technique works well because?

it's easier to remember things that have happened to us personally.

What is the meanig of remember?

To retain in the memory, to remain aware of and to bring to mind when the information is required

Why is remembered information often incorrect?

Memory changes every time we remember something.

What differences arethere between sensory memory and short term memory?

what is the difference between short term memory, long term memory and sensory memory with short term memory information can be remembered 2o sec after seeing touching smelling ect. the information. the information can also be remembered as long as you are thinking about it sensory memory can only be remembered if the object is in front of you. such as a stranger, you can remember then but as soon as the walk away you can remember what they were wearing how they smelled ect... long term memory can be remembered through out a life time

How does mnemonics function.?

Mnemonic systems are techniques or strategies consciously used to improve memory. They help use information already stored in long-term memory to make memorization an easier task. To learn more about data science please visit-

Which of these best describes the personalization memory technique?

Relating information you need to remember to your own life