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Q: What merchant vessel with concealed guns used to decoy enemy ships?
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What is a merchant vessel with concealed guns used to lure enemy ships?

It's called an armed merchantman.

Can Someone give you a sentence with decoy in it?

Decoy the enemy so that the women and children can escape. The decoy was painted to resemble a swan.

Name the only merchant vessel to sink an enemy warship during World War 1?

On May 12, 1918 the White Star Liner Olympic sank U-103

What does the decoy do in black ops?

it simulates gunfire and it shows the red dots on map to the enemy

What is the difference between decay and decoy?

decay- wear away ex.: the tooth slowly decayed because the man didnt brush his teeth decoy- something flase: used to lure or trick with ex.: We used a decoy grenade to scare the enemy and then bombard them with our bullets

What was fired out of the Quaker guns during the civil war?

Nothing was fired out of Quaker guns during the Civil War. Quaker guns were decoy guns made to make the enemy think a fortification or vessel had more cannon than it really had. Quaker guns were usually made of just a solid log of the right diameter.

What does the word privateers mean?

A private vessel incorporated into a navy by Letters of Marque. In former times captains of privateers were often basically pirates, limiting themselves to the merchant shipping of the enemy, in the hope of gaining rich loot thereby. Stan Rogers' song Barratt's Privateers is attached.

How privateers help the American cause?

Privateers or Merchant Mariners help win the Revolutionary War. To add to this, they issued Letters of Marque to privately owned, armed merchant ships and Commissions for privateers, which were outfitted as warships to prey on enemy merchant ships

Why did France and Britain seize Americans merchant ships?

Both sides wanted to keep U.S. shippers from supplying their enemy.

What is a buzzer bomb in command and conquer 3 tiberium wars?

a buzzer bomb is where you get a load of buzzers shoot just next to them with a mothership and use the worm hole put one next to your buzzers and the other in the enemy base, then send the mothership infected buzzers through the worm hole to blow up the enemy base inside-out, but first send a decoy into the enemy base to see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why did American soldiers use Agent Orange?

Predominantly deployed by US Airmen not US Soldiers (predominantly deployed by the USAF not the US Army). If an enemy can be seen, it can be shot (destroyed). AO destroyed forests (jungles) that concealed enemy movements and positions. This agent was replaced by Rome Plows operated by US Army engineers by 1970.

What is the term or analogy for a conspiracy where a sacrificial decoy is placed to entice an enemy to take the first shot IE Pearl Harbor going unprotected prior to its attack?

The standard analogy would be to call the sacrificed units a "stalking horse".