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Q: What merit good does the us provide though a payroll tax?
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What merit good does the government provide through a payroll tax?

Health Care is a merit good that the US government provided through a payroll tax.

What merit good does the U.S government provide through a payroll?

Health Care is a merit good that the US government provided through a payroll tax.

What merit good does the US government provide through a payroll tax?

Health Care is a merit good that the US government provided through a payroll tax.

Which merit good does the U.S. provide through a payroll tax?

Retirement benefits are provided through a merit tax.

What merit goods do the US government provide through a payroll tax?

Health care is a merit good the U.S. government provides through a payroll tax. Medicaid is paid for by a payroll tax.

What merit good does the US government pay for through the medicare payroll tax?

Retirement benefits -- apex.

What merit good does the US government pay for?

One merit good that the US government pays for is education. The government provides funding for public schools and subsidies for higher education to ensure that citizens have access to quality education and improving human capital. Additionally, the government may provide financial assistance for healthcare, as it is considered a merit good to ensure the well-being and productivity of individuals.

What merit good does the US government pay for through the Medicaid payroll tax?

Retirement benefits -- apex.

What is the difference between public goods and merit goods?

Merit goods provide benefits to society as a whole.Public goods also provide benefits to society as a whole. But a public good can serve a small number of people or a large number of people at exactly the same cost.Education would be a merit good - it benefits everyone.A lighthouse would be a public good - it benefits everyone, but costs the same to supply to one person as it does to supply to thousands of people. One person's consumption of a public good does not diminish the supply for someone else.

What is a good payroll processing company?

A good payroll processing company is ADP. It helps with payroll tax compliance concerns and automated payroll solutions to businesses. PayChex is also another good payroll processing company one can use.

On what merit can a company keep you?

Good Merit I would suppose.

Is quickbooks payroll a good software for keeping track of payroll?

Yes, quickbooks payroll is a good software. However, there is a suite of quickbook payroll software available, e.g. quickbooks enhanced payroll, and quickbooks online payroll. Which you choose will depend on the size of your workforce and whether or not you operate within one state.