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In Matthew's Gospel, Jesus sent a message by Mary Magdalene for the disciples to meet him in Galilee. However, in the other gospels this appears not to have been the case. Luke's Gospel says that Jesus ascended to heaven near Bethany in Judea, on the same evening as his resurrection. In John's Gospel, Mary Magdalene met the risen Jesus, but not on the road as in Matthew, instead she mistook him for the gardener.

Mark's Gospel originally did not even have any appearances of the risen Jesus - the "Long Ending" (verses 16:9-25) being added much later to more or less harmonise this gospel with Matthew and Luke. In the Long Ending, Jesus was received up into heaven after he had spoken to the disciples at a meal, so could not have sent a message for the disciples to meet him in Galilee.

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Q: What message did Jesus send by Mary Magdalene to the disciples?
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