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Diamonds are formed from carbon. Some brown diamonds may contain trace amounts of nickel -- otherwise diamonds do not contain metals.

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Q: What metals do diamonds have in them?
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Related questions

Why are diamonds used to cut metals?

Because diamonds are harder than any metal.

Are diamonds are conductor or non conductor of electricity?

no,they are not metals

Where do you get most metals from?

Most of the metals that people get like gold, silver, copper,and diamonds are from the ground.

Are diamonds made of elements on the periodic table that are metals nonmetalssemimetalsor a conbination?

Diamonds are carbon, a non-metal.

Why are diamonds valuble?

Diamonds are very valuable because they are rare and precious metals. Diamonds were first mined over 2800 years ago in India.

Does diamond rust?

no rust mostly happens to metals and diamonds are not metal

Is diamond more of plastic or metal?

Diamonds are precious metals. No plastic at all.

Are diamonds used for cutting metals?

Diamond-tipped tools may be used in metal-cutting operations. Industrial diamonds represent about 80% of all diamonds mined, and are used similarly in industry.

Why nonmetals are softer?

Non metals are not always softer than metals. Diamonds (an allotrope of carbon) are amongst the hardest natural substances known. Carbon is nonmetalic.

What does Belgium export?

paintings, tulips and mushroomstransportation equipment, diamonds, metals and metal products, foodstuffs, chemicals

Is diamonds a nonrenewabe resorce?

It is a non-renewable resource, it requires a lot of time to replenish or it can not be supplied at all. The non-renewable resources are fossil fuels, minerals, precious metals and diamonds.

What do you mean mining?

Mining is also known as discovery from earth we can discover diamonds, gold, metals, limestone etc.thank you