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Q: What method did the federal government take to enforce the reconstruction acts 1867?
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Does Lincoln view his reconstruction plan as the only acceptable method?

Yes, he viewed it as the only acceptable plan for reconstruction.

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The method used for performing breast reconstruction is based on the preference of the patient. The reconstruction can be done by immediate reconstruction, where reconstruction occurs in the same time period in which mastectomy is done, or by delayed reconstruction, where reconstruction of the breast is done after mastectomy.

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Vehicular accident reconstruction is a scientific method that is used to recreate vehicle accidents that can be used as evidence during criminal court cases.

What does it means to say the United States has a federal system of government?

That the US has several functions of government, one that is federal and the other that is state and local. The US federal system creates a central government that is restrained two ways. Clearly as per the Framers, all powers not relegated to the federal government are left to the states. In addition to that, the Framers created a central government where power is separated. The executive, legislative and judicial branches are designed to not allow any branch to have too much power by itself. The separation of powers is an excellent method of controlling an uneven growth of power in any single branch.

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In the U.S. federal government there are three branches of government--the legislative, the executive and the judicial. Supposedly the legislative branch makes the laws and through this method potentially can override the judicial branch and the executive branch by passing or dismantling laws. The executive branch enforces the laws and can override the other two branches by choosing which laws to enforce. The judicial branch can override the other two branches by declaring laws and executive orders unconstitutional or in how laws are interpreted.

Why does the federal government collects taxes as a person earns instead of all at once at the end of the year?

It's called the "pay as you go" method. This helps the government collect the money in the first place and also earlier in the year. Like every collector, the government wats to get paid up front.

Under what circumstances internal reconstruction becomes desirable how it is affected?

It's also desirable to use internal reconstruction to uncover an earlier form of various languages, and to submit those pre- languages to comparative method.

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which of the following could be considered a civil society method of limiting government?