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Q: What method is used to make golden rice Plasmid Vector or Biolistic?
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How do you call 2 or more objects in c plus plus?

It's not clear what you mean by "call 2 or more objects". Object's aren't "called", they are instantiated. Once instantiated you may "call" (invoke) the member methods associated with those objects, or invoke functions that operate upon those objects. To invoke the same member method on 2 or more objects, simply place those objects in a vector (by reference), then iterate over the vector: void f (std::vector<my_object*> objects) { for (auto foo : objects) foo->bar(); // invoke the bar method for each foo object in objects }

What is vector scan?

Scanning mode in which beam is scanning selected areas only; after scanning of selected area is completed beam is turned off and moved to another area to be scanned. It is also called Raster Scan Method.

Difference between vector and list in c plus plus?

Although they share many of the same features, there are many differences. For instance, a list does not have an index operator [] while a vector does not have a merge method. If in doubt, simply look at the variable's declaration -- it will explicitly state whether the variable is a list or a vector (or indeed some other STL container), along with the type of data that it contains. Ultimately a vector is just an array, ideally suited to random access, whereas a list is ideally suited to sequential access.

What is vector in c plus plus definition?

A vector is a class template that encapsulates a dynamic array along with its current size, treating both as a single entity. Since the allocated memory and its size are kept in sync internally by the vector, there is no need to manually keep track of the array size or the memory allocation as you would with a C-style array. This makes it much easier to work with arrays in C++. To understand the difference, consider the following: #include<iostream> #include<vector> int main() { unsigned int i; std::cout<<"C-style array:\n"<<std::endl; unsigned int size=10; int* a=(int*)malloc(size*sizeof(int)); for(i=0; i<size; ++i) a[i]=i*2; ++size; a = (int*)realloc(a,size*sizeof(int)); a[size-1]=42; for(i=0; i<size; ++i) std::cout<<a[i]<<std::endl; free(a); a=NULL; std::cout<<"\nC++ vector:\n"<<std::endl; std::vector<int> v (10); for(i=0; i<v.size(); ++i) v[i]=i*2; v.push_back(42); for(i=0; i<v.size(); ++i) std::cout<<v[i]<<std::endl; } With the C-style array, we must keep track of the size separately from the array. Thus when we reallocate to accommodate the new element (42), we must increase the size accordingly. The equivalent C++ code is much simpler because the size is updated internally by the vector itself, and we don't need to worry about the memory allocation. When the vector falls from scope, the memory is freed automatically. Note how we can use the subscript operator [] to access the individual elements of the vector just as we would with a C-style array. As well as encapsulating the array and its size as a single entity, vectors provide member methods to make it easier to work with the array. In the above example we used the vector::push_back method to add the new element (42) to the end of the array. We can also extract elements from the end of the array using the vector::pop_back() method. Thus a vector can emulate a stack structure (last-in, first-out). However, keep in mind that just as arrays are unsuitable for stacks due to the reallocations required to keep the memory contiguous, the same is true of vectors. the reallocations may be hidden from you but they still occur in the background. However, anywhere you would normally use a dynamic array, a vector can be used instead. Another advantage of vectors over arrays is when passing arrays to functions. Normally, the function will expect a reference to the array along with the number of elements in the array. Since vectors encapsulate the size you need only pass a reference to the vector itself. Although you could overload the function to accept either a vector or an array, given the simpler nature of a vector it is better to avoid dynamic arrays altogether. Static arrays are usually fine for small allocations on the stack, but you can also use vectors for larger static arrays on the heap. The array is actually dynamic, of course, but if you don't change the size then it is effectively static. The only real difference is that the allocation is on the heap rather than the stack.

Differences between declaring a method and calling a method?

Declaring a method is when you code for what the method will perform. When you call a method, you are using the method you have written in another part of the program, (or inside the method if it is recursive).

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Which technique can be used to make copies of a gene?

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When solving vector addition problem you can either the graphical method or the?

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Where is the second vector's tail placed when two vectors are added graphically using the tip to tail method?

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What is equalibrium in physics?

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How do you use the parallelogram method to add more than two vectors?

Use the parallelogram method to add two of the vectors to create a single vector for them;Now use this vector with another of the vectors to be added (using the parallelogram method to create another vector).Repeat until all the vectors have been added.For example, if you have to add V1, V2, V3, V4 do:Used method to add V1 and V2 to result in R1Use method to add R1 and V3 to result in R2Use method to add R2 and V4 to give final resulting vector R.