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lysosomes. they digest excess organelles, food particles, e.t.c. in the cell

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An enzyme?

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Q: What method or agent is used to break down unwanted molecules?
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What are the job of lysosomes?

Lysosomes is used to break down large molecules.

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What is the role of a enzymes inside a lysosome?

they break down larger molecules If a cell organisation is disturbed , lysosomes break down and digest.

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molecules of a solid break up get's into the space that is in between the liquid molecules

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What are the special proteins that can break large molecules into small molecules?

These substances are called enzymes.

When living cells break down food molecules energy is?

When living cells break down food molecules energy is released and used to form ATP.

When you break something is there an odd number of molecules?

No. In all likelihood, you will not break a single molecule. SO the number of molecules will remain odd or even - as it was before the breakage.