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Flowers, specially scented embalming fluid, and lest we forget, Air conditioning./

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Q: What method was used to mask the smell of rotting bodies at funerals?
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Is the smell of dead mice in house unhealthy for children?

A smell will not harm you. But the rotting bodies will carry germs and parasites.

Do citronella candles have some meaning at funerals?

yes, they mean Dead bodies smell bad

Why did Egyptians priests embalm human bodies?

The bodies were embalmed to prevent the smell, putrification, and rotting of the dead bodies prior to and after burial. Egyptians believed that the body had to be intact when it entered the Afterlife.

What chemical makes rotting eggs smell bad?

the rotting

Did Hurricane Katrina have any smell?

The storm itself was just humid, not really a smell. BUT the smell returning home was the worst smell I have ever smelt it was the smell of rotting meat, trash, rotting seafood, and much more. The refrigerators sat in front every house as the rotting food continued to sit in it. The smell was unbearable.

Why do titan arum have a rotting smell?

they have a rotting smell because the rotting smell makes insects come to eat. I'm not sure about this but i think they eat the insects when they approach the plant or something, try searching on Google or bing. :D

Why do you put incenses on dia de los muertos?

Incense was used to mask the smell of rotting bodies , it is very similar to the western tradition of putting flowers on a grave.

What do wetlands smell like?

rotting eggs

Why do some flowers smell like rotting meat?

Those flowers are pollinated by flies, which are attracted to the smell of rotting meat. Yuck.

How long can a body stay in a morgue before decomposing?

because it's decomposing and the intestines and so forth are breaking down and releasing whatever they had in there

What would be good evidence that something was rotting in the trash?

The smell.

What did a concentration camp smell like?

Like Fish And Chips I think :D Hope Its Right x