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Q: What microorganisms live below the skin surface?
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What is the part of the hair below the skin surface called?

The part of the hair below the skin's surface is called the follicle. The hair follicle is essentially the root of the hair where it begins to grow just beneath the surface of the skin.

Why bacteria easier enter dry skin?

Dry skin can crack, allowing the bacteria to get below the surface of the skin.

Are all microorganisms on your skin bad?

"Although you might not like to think about it, millions of microorganisms, including bacteria, are living on the surface of your skin. Most of the time they are harmless, but, if you get a cut or even an insect bite everyday bacteria may take the opportunity to slip under the skin and cause an infection." source:

What is located just below the skin and connects the skin to the surface muscles?

Fascia/connective soft tissue.

What is skin flora?

Mixed skin flora is a bacterium that attacks the skin. The condition is from microorganisms that are already on the skin. The condition is not serious and can be treated easily by your primary care provider.

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What makes the results of a skin culture normal?

Many types of microorganisms are normally found on a person's skin. Presence of these microorganisms is noted on a skin culture report as "normal flora."

What are some of the body's defenses against invading microorganisms?

The skin mainly does all the work to protect us from microorganisms. Stuff like microwaves etc. Can you have sex with me?

What makes the skin waterpoof?

The natural oil of the skin, called sebum. Sebum is produced in the dermis (the second layer of skin, below the epidermis), and rises to the surface of the epidermis, making the skin waterproof.

What layer of skin does the most bacteria live?

The epidermis, as washing your hands with the use of soap and water kills most of the bacteria ON your skin surface.

What is the definition of word subcutaneous?

Subcutaneous refers to something situated or occurring beneath the skin. It is commonly used to describe injections or medications that are administered just below the skin's surface.

What are your bodys first line defenses against pathogens in general?

Your skin is the first line of defense.