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Q: What might a person suffer from if the diet is not balanced?
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What do you suffer from if you do not have a balanced diet?

if you don't get a balanced diet you can suffer from stuff like heart disease, cancer, also you can start getting fat in your blood and that is never good.

What are the disadvantages of a balanced diet?

when a person follows a wrong balanced diet. For example a diabetic following a normal person's balanced diet

How would the skeleton of a person who did not eat balanced diet might look like?


Why might a client suffer with constipation?

There are several reasons why a person may suffer from constipation. The person may need more fiber in their diet. They may also suffer from a bowel obstruction. A doctor is needed to diagnose the problem. A client might suffer with constipation due to a poor diet, not drinking enough fluids and a lack of exercise.

How balanced diet vary from person to person?

if they have different ages

How might chips contribute to a balanced diet?

They won't.

Why is a balanced diet critical for your health?

BALANCED DIET is a diet which comprises of all the nutrients( carbohydrate ,fats, minerals , vitamins , proteins ,roughage, water) that to in appropriate amount .IF a person does not take a balanced diet he will have the deficiency of the nutrient which is deficient in his diet . Hence in order to keep body healthy and away from diseases ,it is necessary to take balanced diet.

What might be the effects of too much or too little micronutrient missing in a diet?

When a person has a micronutrient deficiency, they might suffer from fatigue and the inability to concentrate. Those suffering from an overdose in micronutrients may suffer from nausea, headaches, stomach pain, and vomiting.

It is correct to say balanced diet or balance diet?

Balanced diet

What term describes what person eats that equals the amount of energy that person needs?

A balanced diet.

When can you that you are eating a balanced diet?

When you can that you are eating a balanced diet.

Deficiency with Hindu diets?

There isn't anything called a Hindu diet. If you have a balanced meal, you won't be deficient in anything. If by Hindu diet, you are referring toa vegetarian diet; then the answer would be : a person can be absolutely healthy with a balanced vegetarian diet.