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You MIGHT end up with weaker bones.

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Q: What might be happend to your bones if some vitamins and minerals are lacking in your diet?
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Do bones store vitamins?

No. They store calcium and phosphate, but those are minerals, not vitamins.

What would happen to your bones if your diet consists of food that are low in vitamins and minerals?

Not only your bones, but your whole body would become weak. Vitamins and minerals are crucial to make you fell healthy and energized. Heal yourself with everyday intake of various vitamins- if you do not know how to do it, I suggest to read some useful articles.

Most important minerals stored in bones are?

The bone marrow and the bone itself stores and also looses minerals. That is why calcium and other minerals and vitamins are so crucial for bone health. A person with osteoporosis suffers from their bones failing to rebuild osteoclast (I hope that is the right word.) and from losing too much calcium. Their bones also fail to absorb vitamins and minerals. There bones get thinner and thinner. In advanced stages you can see right through their bones on x-rays and some of them have holes in their bones.

What minerals keeps your bones strog and healthy?

A balanced diet including carbohydrate, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, water and fibre. i hope this has been helpful.:)

There are many of these and they all have certain jobs to do some such as A help you see in the dark D from the sun helps you grow strong bones what is the answer vitamins or minerals?

vitamin & minerals

Why do we need phosphorous as part of the right mix of vitamins and minerals?

We need phosphorous as part of the right mix of vitamins and minerals because it is necessary for strong bones and teeth. Phosphorous also helps the body absorb Vitamin B and create energy.

Why are minerals needed?

Minerals are needed because like Vitamins they help us to fight against diseasesand they are for the growth of teeth, eyes and bones. They alsomaintain a normal heartbeat. So you should eat food items rich in minerals.And this is the reason that "Why are vitamins needed."Your Body requires minerals to stay healthy and function. Among MANY others, just remember that your bones are mainly a mineral- calcium- and without bones you would basically be a puddle of meat on the floor. It also helps to keep your bones and teeth healthy.

What does the body use vitamins and minerals for?

Vitamins and minerals play many roles in the human body. There are many different kinds of vitamins and minerals. One example is vitamin c. Vitamin C is found in orange juice and is an antioxidant that keeps you healthy and prevents our cells from getting damaged. lucas rules and so does joe smoe

How do you know you have enough vitamins?

if you dont get enough of vitamins and minerals then everything can get serious. you can get diseases like asanemia or maybe from young growth all of your bones might not fully develop inside you. but luckily all these minerals and vitamis are easy to find in our daily fruit and veg. lilmisssanaxxx

What is the main job for vitamins and minerals?

Vitamins and minerals are considered essential nutrients-because acting in concert, they perform hundreds of roles in the body. They help shore up bones, heal wounds, and bolster your immune system. They also convert food into energy, and repair cellular damage.

What are the dangers if you dont have a healthy diet?

Your body does not get the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients it needs and you become sick, bones get brittle, organs do not function right, etc.

Achieve a Healthy Balance of Vitamins and Nutrition?

People absorb vitamins and minerals from the food they eat. These are the nutrients that a body needs for normal growth and development. Vitamins and minerals play a unique role in maintaining optimal health. Vitamin D, for example, is used by your body to absorb the calcium (a mineral) needed for developing strong bones. The optimal way to get enough vitamins and minerals is to eat a balanced diet. If you can�t obtain all of the necessary vitamins and nutrition from food, visit a health food store and look into the possibility of taking dietary supplements.