

What might be the oldest poem?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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The oldest epic poem is Beowulf.

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14y ago
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Q: What might be the oldest poem?
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Was Beowulf a play?

No, Beowulf is an Old English epic poem. It is one of the oldest surviving works of English literature, composed between the 8th and 11th centuries.

Is Beowulf an epic?

Beowulf is an epic poem. It is the oldest surviving epic poem in Old English. In order to be considered an epic poem, it has to be lengthy and usually detail heroic people or deeds.

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Beowulf is an epic poem. It is the oldest surviving epic poem in Old English. In order to be considered an epic poem, it has to be lengthy and usually detail heroic people or deeds.

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The oldest example of English literature is an epic poem that scholars call Beowulf after the poems hero and main character.

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