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If you were to spend a month in bed, your muscles would "atrophy" or weaken through lack of use. It would take time to regain your strength by exercising.

Astronauts in space, or living for long periods on the Moon, Mars or Ganymede where gravity is lower, would weaken unless they exercised to keep their muscle tone. If you spend a year floating in zero-G for a year, you wouldn't be able to walk at all.

Science Fiction writers have speculated that humans born in space or on the Moon might never be able to come to Earth, because they would be unused to living in Earth-gravity. On the other hand, humans raised on high-gravity planets might develop very strong muscles just from having to stand up and walk, and might be champion weightlifters or athletes on Earth.

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Q: What might happen to an astronaut if she spent a long time on a plante wit less gravity?
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