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Q: What might happen to herbivores that eat only plants that were growing there?
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Lions feed on mostly herbivores, which includes zebras. Herbivores eat plants, and if there were no more plants, herbivores would starve to death, which would cause lions to turn to other animals for food. They might all die from lack of water before then, though.

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Plants and algae can produce a slimy substance in a lake. Blue-green algae is the most dangerous type of algae for a lake to have because it can produce toxins.

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That some of the animals that are herbivores Might fight for the plants

What would happen to the carnivores if the herbivores nuumbers dropped?

The herbivores might die along with the carnivores if there's something like an asteroid impact.If the carnivores die because of something that only makes them die, and not the herbivores, the herbivores will survive until they eat all the plants, then the herbivores will soon die of starvation.

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Their is more probability of a seed growing into an adult than a spore.

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Growing plants to use for energy uses land that can be used for growing food.Burning plants produces greenhouse gases.

What would happen plants if all animals in the world should die?

Plants would grow gracefully and they might takeover the wild.

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Plants need sunlight, water and nutrients to grow. Herbivores eat the plants, carnivores eat the herbivores, omnivores (like humans) eat plants and animals. Therefore if plants stopped existing, the whole food chain would collapse and all life die out. In such a scenario, if we could artificially manufacture and grow food to feed ourselves, then we might survive.

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what will happen is the plants will have too much water and die

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The mandrill might die because that is all that it eats......

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Dead plants and animals would pile up if it were not for the earthworms.