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Q: What might happen to the rate of diffusion of blood flow speed up?
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What are the benefits of red blood cells passing through capillaries one at a time?

The narrow diameter of capillaries maximizes opportunities for diffusion of oxygen, wastes, and nutrients into and out of the blood from the body tissues. The slow speed of flow also facilitates diffusion.

Blood capillaries have fast or slow flow?

Capillaries have slow flow. This slow speed maximizes opportunities of diffusion of oxygen, nutrients, and wastes.

What is the velocity of blood in the capillaries?

Blood flows slowly through capillaries. This speed allows for increased efficiency of diffusion of materials.

What would happen if football players didn't have speed?

it might have a chance of lossing the game.

Why does diffusion take place faster when you heat the substance?

The acts as a catalyst to speed up the diffusion process, allowing the molecules to overcome it; the activation energy causes the reaction to proceed at the faster rate.

what is the modes of heat transfere?

radiation radiation travels at the speed of light, which is very quick diffusion is slow. convention is faster than diffusion.

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Explain how rate of diffusion principle is used while filling air in the rubber tubes to increase the speed of the vehicles.

What cause car run less speed?

Bad fuel or water in the fuel or clogged fuel injectors might cause a car to run with less speed. This might also happen if the car has a problem with the fuel pump.

How does low temperature affect diffusion?

I'm pretty sure it would slow down the rate of diffusion, because higher tempuratures increase the rate of diffusion.

Why the colour spread only slowly though the liquid?

This depends on the speed of diffusion.

Which modern invention has most increased the speed of cultural diffusion?

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How fast does diffusion take?

Faster diffusion will take place if the surroundings are warmer. Increase in temperature means an increase in molecules' speed (kinetic energy).