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2 teams of 12 Navy SEALs each

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Q: What military team killed Osama bin Laden?
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Where is Osama laden?

He was in Pakistan, but was killed by US Seal Team 6.

What is the name of the operation that killed osama bin laden?

SEAL Team Six.

What did President Obama do about Osama Bin Laden?

He authorized a team of SEALS to invade and capture Osama Bin Laden in his hiding place in Pakistan. In the course of the invasion of his protected compound, Osama Bin Laden was killed.

How killed osama bin laden?

The United States Navy Seals (members of Seal Team 6) located and killed him.

Who approved the secret operation that resulted in the capture and killing of Osama bin Laden?

Obama ordered the killing. The person that killed Osama was, SEAL Team 6

How long was SEAL Team Six in Osama's hide out?

Osama Bin Laden has been hiding for approximately ten years until he was killed.

Were any Americans killed in firefight while defeating Osama bin Laden?

No. They managed to get back home safely with no one got hurt. The Navy Seal Team 6 completed their mission for hunting and killing Osama bin Laden with no Americans were shot or killed in the firefight.

Are the Navy Seal team 6 heroes?

Yes they are because they killed Osama bin Laden for planning the attacks on September 11, 2001. Right now people do not have to worry about it anymore because Osama bin Laden is dead. The United States Navy Seal Team 6 successfully saved alot of lives of many good guys and after that. They became real military heroes and they stop terrorist from killing hostages(good guys). Now Osama bin Laden will never destroy people again. Thanks to the Navy seal team 6.

How did Obama kill osama bin laden?

Barack Obama personally did not kill Osama Bin Laden, but as the Commander in Chief of the military, he was involved in the strategic planning of the operation that finally brought Bin Laden to justice; and it was President Obama who gave the final order to get it done. But it was the Navy Seals (Seal Team 6) who successfully carried out the operation and killed Bin Laden, an operation that required several years of intense planning both in the US and in Pakistan.

Should Obama be arrested for kiling Osama Bin Laden?

First off, Mr. Obama did not kill Osama Bin Laden; US Navy SEALs Team Six did. President Obama simply ordered his execution. Second of all, Mr. Obama should not be punished for ordering Osama Bin Laden's death, as Bin Laden was the number one Most Wanted Terrorist by the FBI, and Obama is the head of our government. Thirdly, The Navy SEALs were supposed to apprehend Osama Bin Laden, not kill him. The SEALs killed Bin Laden because he was heading towards a cache of weapons in the room that he was hiding.

Who killed osama biladen?

SEAL Team Six.

Who shot Osama bin Laden?

It is not known who exactly shot him. It was a group of Navy SEALs who attacked his compound in Pakistan. It was announced on Sunday, May 1, 2011 that Osama Bin Laden was killed by US troops on the ground in a 40-minute firefight. It is reported that he was killed by a group of 20-25 Navy SEALs under the direction of the CIA. The Navy SEALs are a part of the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). The troops arrived in two helicopters. Four men, including Osama, as well as one woman (who was used as a human shield) died in the attack. No American was wounded or killed. Osama bin Laden was killed in the last five to 10 minutes of the siege. Osama was shot once in the head and once in the chest.