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hey i have a guinea pig too a day old....t mum abandoned him cuz he was born a premature was soo sad...anyway i have another female guinea pig so i keep him with her just for some warmth n so that t baby can learn from her what to eat n what not....also you have to weigh you guinea piggie evryday n if theres a decline in t weight take him to t vet ASAP! Okay noe i noe im rambling on and on...sorry...okay u can give them kitten milk replacement/goats milk/or milk specially made for small animals dilute tis 1 part of milk with 2 parts of water to hydrate them put some sugar for energy on t first day feed evry 1 hour.....2nd day evry 2 hours.....3 day 4/5 hours....(ROUND THE CLOCK)....gradually give em masged food critical care pellets or smetyms a fruit MASH or veggie mash....see that they get enuf vit.c....feed slowly through a dropper or syringe without t needle.....they cannot vomit excess or too much or food to soon will cause em to choke/aspirate/food go to the lung etc...which is harmful....also see that they poop n pee....toxins shouldnt build em in the body...if they not pooping...take a WARM(not hot) cloth or cotton ball n stroke gently a few times on their privates...that should do the trick (it basically gives em the same feel when t ma/pa lick there so that they can pee/poop n since they orphan u theyr new momma!!! ) =) yea thats basically it also take them to t vet for regular check ups


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Q: What milk to give newborn guinea pig when the mother abandons them?
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Umm, probably take it into your own hands and feed it that way. You could go down to your local vets or rescue centre and ask advice on what to do, they may give you a bottle mixture to feed the baby with. However, make sure the baby has contact with the mother for the future. You wouldn't want the mother to see the baby as an outsider as this could lead o future arguments and fights.

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