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Those tiny finger-like projections in the lining of the small intestine are called "Villi" (VILL-eye). They look like velvet and their purpose is to provide much, much more surface area to absorb nutrients than a smooth lining would.

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15y ago

the small finger-like projections in the small intestine are called vili, but there are none in the small ikntestine.

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14y ago

They are called villi. They are kind of finger shaped and they absorb nutrients.

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Q: What millions of tiny finger like projections in the lining of the small intestine?
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What is a lining if the small intestine?

the lining of the small intestine has folds, and are covered with finger-like projections called villi, which are covered with thousands of micro-villi

What cell is cell lining the small intestine?

the cell lining of the small intestine is called villi and are small, finger-like projections that are used to increase surface area.

The lining of the small intestine is covered with fingerlike projections called?

It is the Villi

What is the finger-like projections lining the small intestine which increase surface area?

Which one their are three parts to the small intestine. I think ur looking for villi

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What are the walls of the small intestine covered with?

The lining is plicae circulares, and the raised finger-like parts of the lining are called villi. Villi's adsorb carbohydrates through their membranes and capillaries within carry the nutrients off to the rest of your body.

What is an example of villi?

The are small finger-like projections, often lining the interior of an organ

What nutrients does the small intestine absorb?

Food is absorbed across the lining of the small intestine both by osmosis and by active transport. The surface area of the small intestine is increased by the presence of villi, microscopic finger-like projections into the lumen of the intestine. Certain parasites, such as tapeworms, produce chemicals that cause the intestine to "work in reverse" causing the body to pump vital nutrients back into the intestine to feed the worm.

What finger like projections lining the small intestines which increase surface area?

Villi (plural). Pronounced "vill-eye".

What is the shape of the stomach in a frog?

In frogs and all other vertebrates lining of stomach and small intestine is made up of mucosa . But mucosa of small intestine possess villi which are finger like projections which increase surface are for absorption .Villi are absent in stomach .the lining in both frogs are think, but the stomach's is shorter than the intestine's In frogs and all other vertebrates lining of stomach and small intestine is made up of mucosa . But mucosa of small intestine possess villi which are finger like projections which increase surface are for absorption .Villi are absent in stomach .the lining in both frogs are think, but the stomach's is shorter than the intestine's

How does the lining of the stomach compare with the lining of the small intestine?

The lining of the stomach has less surface area than the lining of the small intestine. The stomach lining has a mucus coating that protects it from acid while the lining of the small intestine is less coated.

Is a fingerlike projection in the lining of the small intestine?

If you have a finger like projection in the small intestine, seen by a scope, or X-ray? If seen by scope, it's usually a polyp. They are fairly common, in the large bowel they would remove it during a colonoscopy. In the small bowel if they have seen with a scope it has to be close to the stomach or close to large bowel. I would think they would remove polyps they can see. It doesn't hurt, and they would send it to the lab. to have it checked.