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Q: What mineral is absorbed by the enamel on teeth making the enamel more resistant to acid attacks?
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What mineral hardens and stabilizes the crystals of teeth and makes the enamel resistant to decay?


What mineral is absorbed by the enamel on teeth making the enamel more restand to acid attacks?

There are several vitamins and minerals that ultimately contribute to bone and tooth formation and preservation however the ones that help the process of strengthening the enamel are calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D.

What is the most abundant mineral component of enamel?


What is the name of the largest mineral component in enamel?


What is the chemical formula of enamel?

Enamel is over 95 per cent mineral. The principle mineral is hydroxyapatite which is a naturally occurring form of calcium phosphate. The remaning 5% is organic consisting of proteins called enamelins, amelogenins and albumin.

How hard are human teeth?

Enamel is the hardest substance in the body and is almost entirely composed of calcium salts. The hardness of enamel is an important property as the main role of enamel is to protect the softer underlying dentin of the tooth. Enamel also serves as the surface for chewing grinding crushing of food and this is another reason for its hardness. The high mineral content makes enamel the hardest component and also most resistant to bacterial attack since there is little organic matter present. A flaw of enamels hardness though is that it is prone to chipping and splitting as it is a brittle substance.

Is enamel a compound or an element?

Enamel is not an element. The enamel of teeth is made primarily of the mineral hydroxyapatite (96%), water and organic material. As for enamel used in art or on floors, there is no standard for its' composition but it too is a compound.

Fluoride makes the enamel on teeth more resistant to disease true or false?


Which of the cooktop finishes on the GE JP202 (White enamel or stainless steel) is more resistant to stains -- particularly rust stains?

Stainless steel is more resistant to stains,particularly rust stains,than white and enamel on the GE JP202.

What is the compositions of Enamel?

Enamel is over 95 per cent mineral. The principle mineral is hydroxyapatite which is a naturally occurring form of calcium phosphate. The remaning 5% is organic consisting of proteins called enamelins, amelogenins and albumin.

What is the mineral present in drinking water and toothpaste which helps to strengthen teeth enamel?


How fluoride is useful for dental health?

Fluoride incorporates into the mineral component of teeth, hardening them and thus making them more resistant to decay. However fluoride at high doses can cause fluorosis (a permanent dark staining of teeth) and overdoses can result in toxicity. It needs to be used carefully.