

What mineral is best for strenuous activity?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What mineral is best for strenuous activity?
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Burning felt (a type of fabric) has nothing to do with strenuous activity.

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Strenuous muscular activity is basically a fancy way to say exercise. As muscles are worked harder, they demand more oxygen, so your breathing rate increases with strenuous muscular activity.

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Could be growing pains or you did some strenuous activity with them.

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Always do a cool down activity for five to ten minutes after cardiovascular activity. This allows the blood to return to the heart and helps avoid rapid changes in blood pressure. Stretching exercises are usually very beneficial.

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Your best bet would be to put of strenuous activity or exercise until you've spoken to or seen your doctor.

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Alcohol (and CO2), or Lactic Acid

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It`s Oxygen

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difficult, strenuous,