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Q: What mineral is used in parts of radar and guided missiles.?
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What mineral was used in parts radar and guided missiles?


What mineral is used in parts of radar and guided missilees?


Can anti air missilles turn back on to there target aircraft if thay miss?

Yes. They can turn back even if they miss the target.Heat guided missiles are hard to escape from.They are guided by the heat of the aircraft.You can only miss them if they crash onto something.Radar guided missiles are guided by radar in them.If you go out of its radar they cannot follow us.

What is the technical name for Missal attracting flares deployed from fighter aircraft called?

Flares are used against heat-seeking missiles, and chaff ( thin strips of aluminium) are used to distract radar-guided missiles.

How are missiles guided?

They could be radar guided, they could be guided by a seeker unit which locks onto heat signatures, they could actually be unguided weapons whose only 'guidance' is programming which is done prior to launch, they could be guided by GPS navigation, they could be command guided by wire (such as MCLOS and SACLOS systems like the Milan, TOW, etc.).

Why are aircraft carriers not sitting ducks despite their weaponry What is there to protect them from the missiles of a powerful enemy intent on taking them out?

Counterfire. Aircraft carriers only go to sea as part of carrier battle groups or carrier strike groups. The carrier is protected by three kinds of ships: cruisers, which carry a high-power radar called Aegis that can detect incoming missiles and that can launch anti-missile missiles, several frigates, which carry anti-missile missiles that are guided by the cruiser's radar, and submarines. Not only can this radar system detect a missile in flight and direct missiles to shoot them down, it can figure out where the missile was launched from and fire a missile at that place to destroy the launcher.

Which is better F-14 or F-16?

The F14 was designed as a 2 seat shipboard fighter to carry long range radar guided air to air missiles as the first line of defence for a naval task force. The F16 was designed as a single seat light weight fighter carrying only short range infrared guided missiles for land based air forces. They are not really comparable.

Can missiles shoot down planes if having trouble detecting?

No. Missiles gotta be able to detect planes in the radar in order get a lock on because missiles need to get a lock on to shoot down planes but planes fly in really high altitudes, this makes it even more difficult to detect planes on radar.

How do aircraft evade anti aircraft missiles?

If your talking about commercial planes they don't. You know about it when it hits you. If your talking fighter jets they either use flares or sonic disruptors or they turn of their radar. Even so these are very rare experiences so don't fret about them. The majority of military aircraft are equipped with either infrared flares for use against heat-seeking anti-aircraft weapons, chaff for use against radar guided anti-aircraft weapons or electronic countermeasures to deceive radar, infrared or laser guided anti-aircraft weapons. Small and maneuverable aircraft, such as fighter jets can combine deploying countermeasures with air combat maneuvers to help deceive on-coming missiles and improve survivability.

How many missiles does a fighter jet have?

Typically 2, one on each wingtip launch rail. However underwing missile launch rail pods can be added for special missions, making the total number much larger. The basic missile load on the F/A-18 is 4, two heat seeking sidewinders on the wingtip launch rails and two radar guided sparrows on fuselage launch rails. Answer: Very few fighters are limited to two missiles these days (although way back in the 1950s two was a common maximum load). It depends on the particular aircraft, examples: F-4 Phantom usual load - 4 radar guided Sparrow + 4 heat-seeking Sidewinder Su 27 - up to 12 in a mix of radar-guided and heat-seeking (and the option of self-guiding).

Which is faster fighter jet or rocket?

Usually rockets and missiles are capable of higher speeds than fighters. In particular the air to air missiles used by fighters in combat against other fighters cannot be outrun, this is why fighters have defense systems like flares (for heat seaker) and chaff (for RADAR guided) to trick the guidance system into turning away from its target.

What is the missile?

There are different types of jammer. For radar guided missile there is radar jammer. For laser guides missile aircraft use burning magnesium strips for make confuse missile.