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includes: Quartz, Topaz, Corundum, and Diamond.

Look up MOHS Hardness Scale. It shows minerals (1-10) softest to hardest. :)

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Q: What minerals are harder than blade?
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Why are dark minerals denser than white minerals?

That would mean coal is harder than Quartz schist. Granite is harder than graphite. No foundation for this assumption.

Are harder minerals more useful than softer minerals?

Depends on the useage.

What two minerals are harder than calcite but softer than quartz?

the minerals are fluorite, apatite ,and orthoclase

Is quartz harder than copper?

Based on Moh's Scale of Hardness that identifies minerals, it is. Moh's Scale of HardnessTalcGypsumCalciteFluoriteApatiteOrthoclaseQuartzTopazCorundumDiamondIn this scale, 10 minerals are used as reference. These minerals are arranged from the softest (1) to the hardest (10). thxs

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Are metallic minerals harder than nonmetallic ones?

thats what she said

What is harder than rock?

diamond is harder than rock and so are many minerals like silver and nickel rock is actually known as a silicate minerals silica and oxygen quartz is one of the hardest on of the silicate minerals and the most stable

What property is described as a steel blade that can be scratched?

The fact that there are substances which are harder than steel.

Can all minerals produce a streak on a porcelain plate?

Those minerals that are harder than the unglazed porcelain streak plate will scratch it rather than leave a streak.

Is calcite harder than gold?

It can be hard to remember the hardness levels of all the minerals and substances of the Earth. Calcite is something that is harder than gold.Ê

Why do different rocks weather at different rates?

Depending on the minerals in their composition, some rocks are harder than others. Rocks that contain minerals with higher ratings on the Mohs scale are harder, and would erode more slowly than other rocks.

Are some rocks harder than other rocks?

Absolutely, based on the hardness of the minerals that compose them.