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Each agency has its own threshhold level for the allowance of minor misdemeanors by their applicants. Generally speaking however, any assault arrests would probably disqualify you from consideration.

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Q: What misdemeanor charges can prevent you from becoming a peace officer?
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What charges prevent gun ownership in PA?

Certain misdemeanor drug related charges, any felony charges, and domestic violence charges, whether misdemeanor or felony charges. This is accordance with federal law. On the matter of felonies, if the charges were only state-level felonies, and not federal felonies, it may be possible to file for relief of disability so that you can have your firearms rights restored.

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It would prevent them from becoming a sworn law enforcement officer, but employment as a civilian technician, by either an agency or a private employer, might be possible.

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A DUI does not normally prevent one from becoming an attorney. If there were other criminal charges associated with a DUI, it could.

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Yes, this should not prevent one from becoming a police officer...assuming that the person applying is upfront regarding the condition that he/she is receiving the medication for.

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Any and all criminal charges can prevent entry into a medical field. Some may be overlooked as irrelevant, such as minor traffic violations.

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An arrest if no charges are filed may not prevent you from buying a firearm. You cannot buy a gun after a plea of guilt or finding of guilt for a domestic violence related offense even if just a misdemeanor.

Will having a misdemeanor prevent you from getting hospital privileges?

That would be up to the hospital board, and, I would think, what the misdemeanor was.

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Can having a misdemeanor assault 3rd conviction prevent my employment at whole foods market

Can you still be a police officer if you have truancy tickets?

It depends on the policies and/or guidelines of the police department doing the hiring. Generally, these kind of charges will not prevent a police department from being able to hire you.

Does a assault Misdemeanor A Family Member prevent getting a job?

Possibly, but not necessarily.

Can you still apply for a police officer if you have a open case?

An open case of what kind? Unless you were found not guilty, or the charges were dismissed, any serious or semi-serious criminal or traffic charge against you would probably prevent you from being hired as a law enforcement officer.

Will a felony misdemeanor prevent someone from getting teacher certification in new york state?

Re-word and re-submit the question - there is no such crime as a felony misdemeanor.