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Direct Theocracy: A direct theocracy is a country that is directly ruled by either (1) a person who claims to be a god or (2) a person who claims to be able to determine the will of the gods. In this case, the religious authority is himself writing the laws of the country and enforcing them. A version of type one would be ancient Egypt, where the Pharaoh was considered to be a god, and who ruled based on this religious right. A version of type two would be the Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran is a theocracy because the Ayatollahs are all clergy of the Twelver Shiite Islam religion. Although Iran has an elected parliament, who can run in the elections (and often the results) are controlled by the non-elected Supreme Council of Ayatollahs.

Indirect Theocracy: An indirect theocracy is a country where direct power is in the hands of a non-religious authority, but incredibly amounts of power to determine policy come from (1) a person who claims to be a god or (2) a person who claims to be able to determine the will of the gods. The difference here is that the religious authorities are not actually ones writing the government's laws, but instead have strong influence on how they are to be determined. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is considered an indirect theocracy, because it is actually absolute monarchy where the Saudi King does not have religious authority, but the Wahhabi Councils, which do have religious authority, have strong influence with the Saudi King and in public policy.

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Supposedly Iran is an Islamic Theocracy.

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What is the definition of theocracy?

The definition of a "Theocracy" is a country which its rulers are divine and they rule in a divine manner. A perfect modern example of this are the Islamic Republic of Iran.

What blank is an example of a modern-day theocracy?

Iran, the Vatican.

What is an example of a theocracy government?

One example of a theocracy government is Iran

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A theocracy is run by a ruling elite of a single religion. One modern day example is Iran. It is impossible to have a true democracy in a theocracy because the people are not allowed to vote someone into office from a different religion.

What country has theocracy?

There are multiple countries that have a theocracy. One such country is Saudi Arabia and another is the country of Iran.

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A country led by a religious leader is an example of a?

theocracy. In a theocracy, religious leaders hold political power and influence government decision-making based on religious beliefs.

How does theocracy exist today?

A good example of modern theocracy is Tibet and the Dalai Lama.The Dalai Lama is the leader in exile of Tibet mainly because he has been recognized as the natural reincarnated leader of the religion of Buddhism.

What are some interesting facts about theocracy?

Theocracy is a system of government where religious leaders hold political power. Iran is an example of a modern theocracy, with Shia Islam being the guiding force in its government. Historical examples of theocracies include the Papal States in Italy and the Caliphate of Cordoba in Spain.

Who has authority in the country of theocracy?

In ancient times, the theocracy was run by priests and/or a single dictator. Today, the only country in the wordl that comes close to a theocracy is Iran, which has a supreme leader and a president.

Can a country be both a monarchy and a theocracy?


What country uses a theocracy government?

A theocracy is a government that is run by the dominant religious group and where only one official religion is allowed. In a theocracy, the laws are made based on that religion, and the religious leaders are also the political leaders (or have strong influence over the political leaders). A good example of a theocracy is Iran. Some people also believe Saudi Arabia is a theocracy, and so is the Vatican City.