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You replace C- Rimms with Rimms.

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Q: What module do you replace if there is rimms and a c-rimm installed?
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You need to upgrade memory on a motherboard that uses rimms you notice one rimm and one c-rimm module are already installed on the board which module should you replace?

You replace C- Rimms with Rimms

Which memory module is installed in pairs?

184-pin RIMMs

What type of memory module used in notebooks has 160 pins?


What are the two current speeds of RIMMs?

RIMMs operate at speeds of 600 MHZ (PC600) or 800 MHz (PC800). All installed RIMMs must operate at the same speed, and have the same ECC or non-ECC rating. The operating speed is different than the data path size. RIMMs are avilable in 16- or 32-bit data path.

Why might you have problems with a system in which you installed three know good rimms?

because they're bad

Are dimms or rimms better?


Why would you have problems with a system in which you installed three known good RIMMs?

All RIMM slots must be filled either with RIMM modules or CRIMM modules."23. Fill 'er up. Leaving a memory slot empty is not a problem as long as you install DIMMs. If you install RIMMs in your system, however, then you need to make sure every slot is full. No, you don't have to buy more of the pricey Rambus memory modules; simply use a pair of CRIMMs (continuity RIMMs), as they're called, to plug the empty memory slots on the motherboard. You can buy CRIMMs for $10 to $15 each from computer retailers. Failing to fill empty Rambus memory slots with CRIMMs will result in a computer that doesn't boot."Taken from

With RIMM each slot on the motherboard must be?

All Filled - By a minimum of one RIMM module and C-Rimms in all others to make a bank

Name two characteristics of a system using rambus licensed memory?

RAMBUS memory is on a stick of RAM called a RIMM. It is the fastest RAM available but you have to have the hardware to use it. It comes in 184 pin for desktops and 160 pin for laptops. RIMMs are keyed differently than DIMMS so you can't install it in any computer. You are required to install RIMMs in pairs to use the full technology, it has a dual-channel technology. Each RIMM is 64 bits wide, but the RAMBUS alternated between two sticks to increase the speed of data retreival. RDRAM motherboards require that all RIMM slots be populated. Unused pairs of slots need a passive device called a continuity RIMM (CRIMM) installed in each slot to enable the RDRAM system to terminate properly. In other words, you have to buy a blank CRIMM to fill in the slots or it will not work properly on the motherboard.

What type of memory is faster DIMMs or RIMMs?

RIMMs are traditionally faster and more expensive

For RIMM modules install the RIMMs beginning with bank?

For RIMM modules, install the RIMMs beginning with bank 0 then 1 and so on.

Install rimms beginning with what bank?

I believe it's 0