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Q: What molecule accumulates in the liver as a result of alcohol abuse?
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Related questions

How many alcohol deaths in 2008?

No one knows how many deaths occur as a result of the abuse of alcohol.

What is the long term alcohol abuse of 25 years for women on the feminine aspect in looks and other wise?

Liver damage and possibly cirrhosis is a result of long term alcohol abuse. Long term alcohol abuse can make the face appear bloated and the skin splotchy.

What is the percent of alcohol being involved in spouse abuse?

99.9% of spouse abuse is caused by alcohol abuse.

What does it mean when you die of substance abuse?

It means that you died as a result of an overdose or long term effects of using drugs or alcohol.

What does ethol abuse mean?

alcohol abuse

What percent of animal abuse involves alcohol?

42% of animal abuse was involved with alcohol in 2005.

Can alcohol cause Alcohol abuse and alcoholism?

Yes anxiety is very common and even inevitable in those who abuse alcohol and or drugs.

Is alcohol abuse a stress related illness?

Alcohol abuse is not an illness but a behavior. The same is true of alcoholism.

Why CNS stimulant is contraindicated in alcohol abuse?

why central nervous system stimulant is contraindicated in alcohol abuse

What is the toll of alchohol abuse on American society?

Alcohol abuse in American society can take a big toll. The effects of alcohol abuse include alcohol poisoning, domestic violence, driving under the influence, child abuse and death.

Is alcohol abuse the same as alcohol addiction?

yes it is.

Can you die of alcohol?

People can die from the abuse of alcohol.