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Q: What molecule crosses a cell membrane more often than any other substance?
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What type of molecule is embedded in cell membranes?

Proteins are often found embedded in the cell membrane. These proteins are called transmembrane or inter-membrane proteins.Cholesterol molecules are also found embedded in the hydrophobic interior of the cell membrane in many species

What three letters at the end of a word indicate a substance is an enzyme?

Enzymes often end with -ase (if they have the function of breaking up some other molecule).

Can mixtures be seperated and how?

yes they can be separated physically or often chemically. Usu osmotic pressure thru a membrane would remove water leaving other substance.

Why do you use dialysis tubing as a model for a cell membrane?

Dialysis tubing is often used to model a cell membrane because it is also a semi-permeable membrane. This means that it only allows certain substances through, not all.

Smallest piece of matter?

The smallest part of any chemical element that can exist is an atom of that element. The smallest part of a chemical compound that can exist is a molecule of that compound.

What is the name of the process where materials are moved across a cell membrane?

Active transport.The energy is provided by a high-energy molecule, often ATP.Active transport is used to move a substance against (= up) its concentration gradient.Diffusion is what moves across the plasma membrane. This cannot move across water.

Why are carrier proteins in the cell membrane that are used for active transport called ''pumps''?

Because they remove or bring in a chemical against the gradient.

Is alcohal a substance or mixture?

Alcohol is a substance. The Alcohol you drink too often is ethanol, and is often used as a cleaning product.

What molecule is the main energy carrying molecule in the cell?

The energy carrying molecule in the cell is adenosine triphosphate. People often call it ATP.

What is the cross in catholicism?

The cross with an image of Jesus' body on it is called a crucifix. Also, the Eastern Catholics often have Byzantine crosses. They are a little more detailed and have more parts that crucifixes and crosses.

When two atoms of the same nonmetal react they often form a.?

They often form a diatomic molecule.

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