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Q: What molecule is responable for carrying the genetic information from the nucleusnto the ribosomes?
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Is it true that DNA carries information from the nucleus to the ribosomes?

No, the actual "carrying" and transportation is done by mRNA.

Rough Er is( what) by ribosomes?

Yes the rough endoplasmic reticula are covered in ribosomes carrying out protein synthesis. There may also be free ribosomes in the cell cytoplasm

What molecule is responsible for carrying out the genetic information from the nucleus to the ribosomes?

Messenger RNA (mRNA) takes the instructions, encoded in the DNA of the nucleus, out to the ribosomes which then assemble the amino acids in the correct order to form the appropriate protein.

What molecule is responsible for carrying the genetic informations from the nucleus to the ribosomes?


Rough ER is covered in ribosomes?

Yes the rough endoplasmic reticula are covered in ribosomes carrying out protein synthesis. There may also be free ribosomes in the cell cytoplasm

What role do ribosomes play in carrying out the genetic instructions?

it can reads the code and make new proteins

What is responsible for carrying thee messages from DNA in the nucleus out into thee cytoplasm?

The part of the nucleus that carries coded information called genes is the chromosome. The chromosome is a threadlike structure of nucleic acid and proteins.

Is the smooth er important and why?

it is the"road" by which proteins travel. smooth endoplasmic reticulum has no ribosomes, but is still important in carrying proteins

What are information carrying cells?

Nerves (or neurons).

What packs and carrys proteins?

The endoplasmic reticulum plays a big part in the packing and carrying of proteins. Proteins are actually carried along the microfilaments of a cell.

Why is the smooth Endo Reticulum smooth?

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is considered "smooth" because it does not contain ribosomes that attach to its walls. "Rough" endoplasmic reticulum, on the other hand, is classified as all endoplasmic reticulum walls where ribosomes are attached. Ribosomes are created inside the nucleus and often move through the endoplasmic reticulum in the process of carrying out their function - making proteins.

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