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Q: What molecules are spread far apart and move very rapidly?
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How does heat affect the molecules in a substance?

They rapidly vibrate. Yes, they do, but how rapidly depends on the amount of heat (kinetic energy) added to the molecules. If solid, they will eventually melt depending on which solid and what its melting point is. If liquid, they will eventually become a gas or vapor, and a gas will expand indefinitely into the atmosphere if not contained within something. Think of water: ice heats to liquid water which in turn becomes steam (vapor) which goes out into the atmosphere unless it is contained. If the container cannot expand and the water vapor (or any other gas) continues to be heated, eventually the gas will cause the container to explode because the internal pressure will exceed the ability of the container to hold it.

Do particles move most rapidly in boiling water or a stream at 110 degrees celsius?

Particles move most rapidly in stream rather than in boiling water.This is because the molecules of gases are loosely arranged than the molecules of liquids.So there will be more free space for the molecules to move in gases than in liquids.

Describe the movement of the particles in gases?

gas particles move fastly spread apart

Does boiling water have oxygen in it?

No,boiling water does not have oxygen . Cold water molecules move slowly meaning there is space between the molecules for more oxygen to dissolve. Hot water molecules move rapidly meaning the space between the water molecules is less avalible for the oxygen molecues to dissolve into.

Which state of matter has particles that are spread the further apart?

GAS in air and other gases, atoms or molecules have sufficient energy to separate from each other. The more energy that matter contains, the more freely its atoms or molecules move, because they are able to overcome the attractive forces that tend to hold them together.

Related questions

Do molecules move more and move apart as temp increases?

Yes, molecules move more rapidly and with greater energy as temperature increases. This increased kinetic energy causes molecules to move apart, leading to expansion of the substance.

What happens to liquids and gases as they are heated?

The molecules in side move or spread apart

What is it called Fewer molecules spread apart?

When a liquid or gas is heated, the molecules move faster, bump into each other, and spread apart. Because the molecules are spread apart, they take up more space. They are less dense. The opposite occurs when a liquid or gas is cooled.

Compare the three states of water in terms of the speed and arrangement of their molecules?

In the solid state, water molecules are tightly packed together and vibrate in fixed positions. In the liquid state, water molecules are more spread out and able to move past each other, resulting in faster movement. In the gas state, water molecules move rapidly and are far apart, colliding with each other and the walls of the container.

When energy is added to molecules what happens to the substance?

they spread apart and move faster when energy is added.

What happens to molecules in a heated fluid?

In a heated fluid, molecules gain kinetic energy, causing them to move faster and collide more frequently. This increased movement results in the expansion of the fluid, as the molecules move apart from each other. Additionally, the increased temperature can lead to changes in the physical state of the fluid, such as boiling or evaporation.

Is gas molecules are less widely spread than solid molecule?

Gas molecules are spread apart farther than solid molecules. They also have more energy, making them move faster

Are gas molecules spread apart or more tightly together than a solid?

Gas molecules a spread out father than a soilid. This is beacuase gas molecules have nmore energy which makes them move much faster than the molecules in a solid.

How does heat affect the molecules in a substance?

They rapidly vibrate. Yes, they do, but how rapidly depends on the amount of heat (kinetic energy) added to the molecules. If solid, they will eventually melt depending on which solid and what its melting point is. If liquid, they will eventually become a gas or vapor, and a gas will expand indefinitely into the atmosphere if not contained within something. Think of water: ice heats to liquid water which in turn becomes steam (vapor) which goes out into the atmosphere unless it is contained. If the container cannot expand and the water vapor (or any other gas) continues to be heated, eventually the gas will cause the container to explode because the internal pressure will exceed the ability of the container to hold it.

When a gas or liquid is heated its molecules move away from each other?

When a gas or liquid is heated, the molecules gain kinetic energy, causing them to move faster and spread apart. This increases the volume of the substance because the molecules are further apart, leading to an expansion in the material.

Why does a gas expand quickest?

A gas expands quickly because the particles are in constant, random motion and have a lot of space between them. When the gas is exposed to lower pressure, the particles spread out rapidly to fill the available volume.

Explain why gases flow through small hole?

Gases are able to flow through a small hole because of diffusion. This is the process by which the rapidly moving molecules move apart through the collision with other molecules.