

What molecules can carbon form?

Updated: 10/24/2022
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14y ago

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more than can possibly be listed here. Its in the millions (if you're counting polymers). as long as the other combining element has one or more valance electron it can create a bond

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Q: What molecules can carbon form?
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Carbon atoms readily link to one another to form a chain

When the elements carbon and oxygen are put together does it make a compound or mixture?

If carbon molecules, such as nanotubes, buckyballs, or diamonds, are mixed with oxygen molecules, the result will be a mixture unless the molecules are heated enough to break apart, but if the atoms themselves are mixed, not already in molecule form, they will form the compound carbon dioxide (CO2).

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Because carbon can bind to itself (in multiple ways).

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The Carbon in Glucose made by plants comes from the Carbon in the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) gas in the air.