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Q: What money needed to build factories or other productive outlets?
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How are Spitfires related to Castle Bromwich?

When Southampton began to get badly bombed, other factories were sought to build much needed Spitfires. Castle Bromwich Vickers Aircraft Company was one of the main factories and built about half of all Spitfires .

What historical period is characterized by the development of the steam engine?

The Industrial Revolution. The steam engine made it possible to build factories anywhere. Until then, most mills and factories needed to be located near rivers where moving water was used to power machinery.

Functions as factories to produce proteins in a cell?

Ribosomes are the structures that function as factories to produce protein. They connect one amino acid at a time and build long chains.

Who allowed manufacturers build their factories away from the rivers?

The invention of steam engines to drive factory machinery allowed manufacturers to build factories away from running water.

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Why would manufacturers build their factories away from rivers?


Why do few American companies build factories in Africa?

They crazy

How many factories have been built in China since 2000?

400 factories have been build in China since 2000

What allows manufacturers to build their factories away from rivers?

Invention of the steam engine allowed manufacturers to build their factories away from rivers.

Why did business owners in the north begin to build factories?

to get more money.

What allowed most manufacturers to build their factories away from rivers?


Why did Italian and greek manufactures build factories in Albania?

Natural Resources