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Hitler and his government did not declare war - their habit was just to invade your country, and let you figure out on your own that you were at war. Germany invaded Russia on June 22, 1941. They did not trouble with the formalities and niceties of a declaration of war.

The only nation Hitler declared war on was the United States, and the only reason he did was because he could not get at the US to launch his customary invasion.

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The official declaration came on August 1, 1914.

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Q: What month did Germany declare war on Russia in world war1?
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Did Germany declare war on Russia in World War 1?

Yes after Russia declared war on Austro-Hungary. (Germany's ally)

What were the first two countries to declare war on Germany in World War 2?

England and France declared war on Germany after Germany, (and Russia), invaded Poland.

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England and France declared war on Germany after Germany, (and Russia), invaded Poland.

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Declaring war on the USA after Japan declared war on America. Germany declared war on America hoping Japan would declare war on Russia. Since Japan did not declare war on Russia (Russia would later declare war on Japan), Germany did not have to declare on America. If Germany had not declared war on the USA, America would have difficulty in declaring war on Germany (although USA and Germany naval vessels in the North Atlantic were shooting at one another in 1941). If Germany had not declared war on the USA, then Hitler would not have had to face the military men and equipment of America. Although Russia fought the majority of land battles against Germany, it was American men and equipment that helped Russia and Britain and other Allied nations to defeat Germany.

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World War 1 Germany invaded Russia in 1917 after Russia backed out of the war. World War 2 Germany invaded Russia during the Second World War on June 22, 1941 Operation Barbarossa

Why did Germany declare war on Russia in world war 2?

After Germany broke the nazi-soviet non-agression pact they had between Russia. Germany invaded Moscow in June 1941 (Operation Barbarossa). Hitler wanted Russia for living space for his master aryan race.

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In World War 2 Germany had already defeated France when they declared war on Russia. At the time that Germany invaded Russia, Britain was the only major power at war with Germany and Britain didn't have the resources to mount an attack against mainland Europe. Germany was unable to attack England across the channel so Hitler decided to divert his attention to Russia before Stalin made his military forces any stronger.

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