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Q: What moon phase is it when the moon's sunlight is on the far side of the moon?
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What moon phase is it when when sunlight shines on far side of moon.?

A new moon.

What moon phase happens when sunlight shines on far side of moon.?

At New Moon the dark side is turned towards us and the Sun shines on the opposite side.

The phase of the moon you see depends on?

how much of the sunlit side of the moon faces earth.

What is the moon phase that occurs after a new moon and only half of the lighted side can be seen?

This is the first quarter phase. The moon looks half lit, half in shadow, but you actually can only see one quarter of the moons surface at this point (during a full moon, you would only be able to see half of the moons surface - the half that faces us).

Does the moon have one side in constant daylight and one side in constant darkness?

No, the moon always has the same side facing toward the earth, and the changing angle of sunlight on the moons face creates the waxing and waning effect we see on the moons surface. The far side of the moon, the side we cannot see from the earth is sometimes eroneously refered to as th dark side of the moon. It is only "dark" in the sense that we cannot see it from here.

This is when sunlight shines on far side of the moon?

When we have a new moon is when the sunlight falls on the far side of the moon. This happens once a month.

Where must the moon be to appear to be a crescent?

The moon is crescent shaped because during part of it's lunar phase, the moon will be situated between the Earth and the sun. Consider the following Diagram: ``D < SUNLIGHT O E X < SUNLIGHT ``D < SUNLIGHT where E is the Earth, O is a full moon, D are half-moons and X a new moon (none visible). O, D, and X represent the moon as it orbits around the Earth. When the moon is located anywhere between X and either D, it is a crescent. This is because part/most of the moon only receives rays of sunlight (~) on what would consider to be the "back" side of the moon. Once it moves past D, the half moon begins to grow into a full moon, where on Earth we see the "front" side of the moon completely illuminated.

Why the moons shape seem to be change?

Thw moon doesn't change shape. It is an optical illusion caused by the moon's orbit around us and the way sunlight hits it. Since we can't see the "dark side" of the moon or the "far side" of the moon when it is full, it looks like the moon is changing shape.

How many full moons are there in a month?

How many full moons per month? Usually, one, but it is possible to have two, as there are 13 lunar months and 12 calendar months in a year. When do full moons occur? The moon revolves around the earth roughly once each month. (Moonth). When the moon is on the opposite side of the earth from the sun, it catches the full sunlight, making it look big and round. When the sun and moon are on the same side of the earth, all we see in the lunar night side. This is called the "new" moon. Half moons result when the earth is at roughly right angles to the moon and sun.

What side of the moon are you seeing the new Moon phase?

night side

How can the moon be bathed in sunlight at night?

the sun is on the other side of earth reflecting the sunlight to the moon!

What fraction of the moon can be seen from the moon when the moon is at its third quarter phase?

Half of it, the same as always. Half of the visible side of the Moon will be brightly lit by the Sun, and the other half is often dimly visible by reflected earthshine, sunlight that is reflected from the Earth and then shines down on the night side of the Moon.