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Dumping is a natural function of the body. Humans understand cleanliness and its relationship to good health. Therefore, WHERE someone dumps is of utmost importance. We have separate rooms in our homes in which we install porcelain bowls in which one may take a dump. In public, these rooms are called restrooms. There are booths where one may take a dump. If one is stranded in the wild, one may dump where s/he wishes, but it is preferred to dig a hole first, if one is able to. This keeps the environment clean and obfuscates the presence of a human to other creatures in nature. One may dump in a stream, but this is generally frowned upon. If one dumps in a stream, one should be certain that no other humans are drinking from that water source downstream of your dumping site.

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It makes a life or death difference, as negligent homicide, if not murder, may be involved.

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Q: What moral difference does it make (if any) who is dumping why they are doing it where they are doing it and what the product is?
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