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Sacrifice is a major moral lesson of the story. The prince, in his selfless service to the people and care for the same does not mind sacrificing all the materials that his body is made up of. Sacrifice comes out of love and care for others and it manifests in the service for people through the realization of absolute solitude and unity among humans. The Happy Prince, who is merely a statue, understands this. Not all humans do.

Materialism takes another part of the story's theme. The concept of beauty always seems to be associated with the possession of wealth and expensive materials that the statue is adorned with. The villagers see prince no more beautiful when all his materials are absent. All the inner beauty of prince--love, sacrifice and selflessness--are far from being seen.

Charity is another theme of the story for the kind of sacrifice and magnanimity that the prince has for the general benevolence of people. He does not mind if he goes blind or loses all the expensive materials he has in his body.

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1mo ago

Some moral values from "The Happy Prince" include compassion, selflessness, sacrifice, and generosity. The story teaches the importance of kindness and helping those in need without expecting anything in return. It emphasizes the idea of using one's resources and influence to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

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