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Q: What most common dental disease among young people?
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What is the common dental disease among young people?

Gum disease is most common among young people. Gum disease occurs from not brushing and taking care of your teeth properly

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Sickle cell disease is more common among blacks than among people of other races.

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The disorder occurs most frequently among people of European origin; is three to eight times more common among Jews than among non-Jews; and is more common among whites than nonwhites.

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The urinary infection is a very common disease among young women. The disease recurrence is very common. Some have estimated that almost half of people who have the infection get it again within a year.

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Jewish people are more likely to develop a baby with the disease because of there heredity. 4% of Ashkenazi Jews are carriers.

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A cause of morbidity among immunizable disease is lack of access to vaccinations. The disease might also occur in people who had access to the vaccine but chose not to be immunized.