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The main character in Grendel, a novel by John Gardner, strains to listen in on humans because he is lonely and seeking connection with others. He is fascinated by human language and behavior, and listening in allows him to feel closer to them despite his isolation as a monster. Additionally, through eavesdropping, he gains insights into human nature and wrestles with his own existential questions.

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Q: What most likely explains why the main character in Grendel often strains to listen in on humans?
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Which most likely explains why the main character in Grendel often strains to listen in on humans?

The main character in Grendel strains to listen on humans to gain a sense of connection and understanding, as he is lonely and seeking companionship. Additionally, he is drawn to their culture and language, which provide him with a sense of meaning and purpose in his existence.

In Gardner and Grendel how does Grendel classify humans?

Savage and war-hungry

In Gardner's how does Grendel's classify humans?

Barbaric and crazy ~ Apex

Does grendel focus on the nature evil?

Yes, "Grendel" by John Gardner does focus on the nature of evil, particularly through the character of Grendel who struggles with his own identity and perception of good and evil. The novel explores existential themes and questions the nature of morality and ethics through Grendel's perspective as a monster.

In the novel Grendel Grendel and his mother live apart from humans. Which statement best summarizes Grendel's thoughts when he first sees men?

Answer this question… Grendel realizes that he understands human language but humans do not accept or comprehend him. They fear one another as aliens.

In gardners grendel how does grendel classify humans?

unrestrained and arrogant. Apex

What is grendel's law?

Grendel's Law is a term used to describe the concept that if a creature often eats food left by humans, it may eventually seek out easier food sources, potentially leading to conflict with humans. This idea is based on the character Grendel from the Old English epic poem "Beowulf."

What are the germ's for mycobacterium tuberculosis?

the most common strain that causes tuberculosis in humans is Mycobacterium tuberculosis. there are also other strains, but in terms of incidence, they do not cause much damage in humans. examples of this is Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium africanum. these strains are more common in animals.

Summary of The Wrath of Grendel?

"The Wrath of Grendel" is a retelling of the Old English epic poem Beowulf from the perspective of the monster Grendel. It explores Grendel's feelings of isolation and his deep-seated anger towards the humans who have wronged him. The story delves into themes of revenge, identity, and the nature of good and evil.

What is the most likely reason for Grendel returning Unferth to the king's mead hall after he visits Grendel's cave?

Grendel most likely returns Unferth to the king's mead hall as a way to taunt and intimidate the humans, demonstrating his power and control over them. It serves as a warning to the king and his people to not provoke Grendel further.

In Beowulf what do the Danes do that irritates Grendel?

In Beowulf, the Danes irritate Grendel by celebrating loudly in the mead hall Heorot every night. Grendel, who is a creature of darkness, cannot stand the noise and the joyous festivities of the humans, causing him to attack the hall and kill its inhabitants.

Humans used blank to select desirable breeds of animals or strains of plants to cultivate?

artificial selection