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Grendel is motivated to kill the men in Herot because he is envious of their joy and camaraderie. He is an outcast and feels a sense of alienation and resentment towards the humans. Killing them is a way for Grendel to seek revenge and assert his power.

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Q: What motivates Grendel to kill the men Herot in the story Beowulf?
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What happens in herot?

Herot is a mead hall in Beowulf, a famous Old English poem. In the story, Herot is attacked by the monster Grendel, who terrorizes the hall and its occupants for many years. Beowulf eventually arrives and defeats Grendel, bringing peace back to Herot.

How does Beowulf overcome grendel?

Beowulf overcomes Grendel by engaging in hand-to-hand combat with him in the mead hall Heorot. Beowulf tears off Grendel's arm, causing the monster to flee back to his underwater lair where he ultimately dies from his wound.

What is Herot in Beowulf?

Herot is the mead-hall of King Hrothgar, where his warriors gather to feast and celebrate. It is described as a grand and majestic hall built as a symbol of power and wealth. Herot plays a central role in the story of Beowulf as the setting for the battles against the monster Grendel and his mother.

When did Beowulf kill grendel?

In the story of 'Beowulf the Warrior' Grendel is the very first monster that Beowulf encounters. After slaying Grendel, he destroys Grendel's mother and a dragon.

What is the monster called in Beowulf?

The monster in Beowulf is called Grendel. He is a descendant of Cain and terrorizes the Danes in the story until he is defeated by Beowulf.

Who or what is good in Grendel's eyes?

In the novel "Grendel" by John Gardner, Grendel's perspective on good and evil is complex and shifting. At times, he sees goodness in figures like the Shaper for his ability to create meaning and purpose. However, Grendel ultimately views the world as chaotic and devoid of inherent goodness.

How many sons does Hrothgar have in Grendel?

This question is not relevant in the least because Hrothgar and Grendel are both characters in the epic poemBeowulf:Hrothgar is the king of the Danes (Scandinavia, or Denmark). The story mainly takes place in the Scandinavian mead hall named "Herot."Grendel is the devilish monster that represents all that is evil. Grendel is the monster who encountered the sleeping warriors/drunkards of Herot in the middle of the night and ripped them to pieces only to then immediately consume them one by one and drink their blood. Beowulf killed Grendel with his bare hands because Grendel enchanted all the swordsmen's weapons, so they appeared blunt and could not penetrate his skin (after Beowulf's victory, he ripped off Grendel's arm and hanged it). And after Beowulf kills Grendel's vengeful mother in the moor, he beheads Grendel's dead body and brings it to the men of Herot.So, to conclude this answer, you obviously have no grasp of the concept or any of this historical story's premise. In no place does it say anything about an amount of sons Hrothgar has.It would be easier if you read it.

Who is babas wife iin the story grendel?

marcia brady beowulf?

What is a characteristic of Grendel that is mentioned in the story Beowulf?

One characteristic of Grendel mentioned in the story Beowulf is that he is a descendant of Cain, depicting him as an outcast and a monster. Grendel is also described as being incredibly strong and relentless in his attacks on Heorot, the mead hall of King Hrothgar.

Who is the epic hero in the story of Beowulf?

Beowulf is the epic hero in the story of Beowulf. He is a great Geatish warrior known for his bravery, strength, and heroism in battles against monsters and dragons, such as Grendel, Grendel's mother, and the dragon. Beowulf's character embodies the traits of an epic hero, including courage, loyalty, and a sense of duty to protect his people.

What is the medieval Danish epic about a brute hero in his quest to defeat Grendel?

The medieval Danish epic about a brute hero in his quest to defeat Grendel is called "Beowulf." Beowulf is an Old English epic poem that tells the story of the hero Beowulf who embarks on a journey to help King Hrothgar by defeating the monster Grendel.

Where Grengel's mother lives?

Grendel's mother lives in a lake, and her home is called Grendel's Mere. Grendel is a character in the Old English story of Beowulf.